Corporate Hospitality Menu Option 4

Formal Indoor or Outdoor Buffet.

A selection of canapés followed by your choice of meat with salad or vegetables then a choice of desserts:

  • Choice of 5 canapés served as guests arrive
  • Choice of spit roasted meat – Pork, lamb, turkey, chicken or beef served with crusty bread rolls & a selection of sauces
  • Selection of salads or vegetables – choice of three
  • Choice of 2 desserts

This option allows you a Spitting Pig Chef, catering Assistant & waiting staff to arrive on site approximately six hours prior to you chosen serve time. All dishes are prepared at your venue using fresh ingredients whilst your meat is slowly roasting [a pig will take between four & six hours]. We will lay tablecloths with crockery and disposable napkins. As your guests arrive canapés will be served by our experienced waiting staff. The main course will be served as a buffet. The chef will carve your meat while the waiting staff assist in serving. Your chosen desserts will be dressed & served buffet style. All our rubbish will be cleared away discretely & taken off site by the Spitting Pig Hogroast.

NB. If your event is a WEDDING, please go to our UNIQUE WEDDING MENUS {Available via the menu to the right of this page}.

Canapé Options
Main Course Options
Salads & Veg Options
Dessert Options

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