Contact Us

For a hog roast, the Spitting Pig Company is the easiest and most reliable caterer to book with a winning combination of sensational food and our brilliant office team, you can be sure you are in safe hands.
The simplest way to get in touch is by phone or email, but if a quote is what you’ve need we’ve made the whole process even easier with our online quote query function. Now all you have to do to have a timely quote for your hog roast event is to fill out the very easy form above with details of your event and the menu that you’ve been eying. Once submitted the Spitting Pig team in the office will assess your event information and create a quote, which is returned for you usually on the same working day or in some cases the working day after.

Of course you don’t have to use the internet form if you don’t want to, you can just as easily get a quote the good old fashioned way and email us directly or phone the office, we don’t mind how you choose to contact us and we always aspire to return a quote to you on the same day.